The view from our training facility! |
MTI: Our home for the next few weeks |
We have had an amazing two weeks of our missionary training here in Colorado. We are learning all about the non-English sounds that our mouth can make (and how to make them and hear them) and some language learning techniques. It is very interesting stuff, and it gives me hope that my mouth can sound like a native Paraguayan!
We have also met some really amazing people here. Each person has an amazing story, and we all have many things in common. It is so neat to see how God is working in all our lives. We have only known each other for 2 weeks, and we already have some deep friendships forming.
We are looking forward to the next 2 weeks of training, which will be about transitioning to another culture. Please continue to pray that we are able to absorb all the information while we are here.
Thanks for your support of our ministry!