We have a "home" in the States.
We have a "home" here in Costa Rica.
And, soon we will have a "home" in Paraguay.
It seems like it should be an easy thing to say where "home" is, but it is really complicated. Since being in Costa Rica, I have noticed myself using the word "home" for our house here. Each time I do that, I think "did I really just say that?". It is a strange feeling.
We have realized in our short time here how much of an encouragement it is to hear from our "home" in the States. We love getting emails from you who are praying for us and encouraging us! We love going to our mailbox at school and finding letters, cards, and packages!
A new friend and fellow classmate here in Costa Rica at Language School was recently able to describe this feeling very well in a recent blog post. She does a much better job than I could have explaining how we are an extension of YOU, our prayer supporters in the States! Please take a moment to read the post here: http://wallacewanderings.wordpress.com/2014/04/07/theres-no-place-like-home/.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we go though this challenging time learning a new language! We have learned a lot so far, but we hear that this next trimester is even more challenging.